New Teacher Profile: Dr. Tillman
Micah Tillman is a new Core teacher at the OHS.
September 26, 2017
Some people listen to songs for the music, others listen for the lyrics, but one person listens for the philosophy. A new core teacher at the OHS, Micah Tillman is that person.
Dr. Tillman has been teaching for almost a decade in the Washington DC area. Here at the OHS, he teaches “Methodology of Science: Biology and History” and “Philosophy of Science.” Dr. Tillman received his doctorate from the Catholic University of America in Washington DC.
But perhaps one of the most interesting things about Dr. Tillman is that he makes the Top 40 Philosophy podcast. He analyzes the lyrics of pop songs and the philosophical ideas at play behind them. In fact, in the very first episode of the podcast, Dr. Tillman tackles the issues of quotations and the meanings of “I Love Rock and Roll” by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts back in the heyday of that song. “Not only will you get to listen to music,” Dr. Tillman claims, “You will actually get smarter as well.”
Dr. Tillman brings his expectations of creativity into the classroom as well. One quality he wants to see in his students is perspective taking. “I want them to figure out how other people see the world, and why they see the world in those ways. This will help them understand things more clearly, as well as helping them improve their communities.”
Indeed, his wise adages go well with his students. “He is a really positive teacher and is always looking out for the best interest of his students,” said Andras Zolyomi, a freshman in Dr. Tillman’s 9th Grade Core Class, “He’s the perfect combo of funny and strict, makes class enjoyable, with a nice learning environment and also really fun!”
Being homeschooled through the end of high school, Dr. Tillman says that “alternative education models” have a special place in his heart and were one reason he came to the OHS. “I had become convinced that most of the main work of education was being done (or failing to be done) before students ever got to college.”
Dr. Tillman continues, “The quality of courses OHS offers was just so impressive, especially for someone with a philosophy background like me. It showed that OHS was on the cutting edge of the movement to bring philosophical education to younger students.”
Outside of school, Dr. Tillman enjoys music, movies, audiobooks, podcasts and YouTube videos about math, music theory and video game design.
“I want a chance to be part of a school where that ‘main work’ was being done right.” Dr. Tillman is looking forward to having a great year at the OHS.
You can see Dr. Tillman’s podcast here