Student Government Updates: Fall Semester 2018

**Note: This article was intended for release before winter break.
Recently, the OHS Student Government added new board members to the team and produced Fall Spirit Week for the OHS community.
This past week, the OHS Student Government welcomed newly appointed board members to the “SG family” as Student Body President Audrey Shing (‘19) calls it. Board members applied and were accepted to join one of its five boards: Events, Communications/Outreach, Student Academic Support and Services (SASS), Arts and Club Relations.
These members were previously called unelected members, and they worked for Student Government as a whole. Now called board members, they are still not elected by the student body, but are brought into Student Government by elected representatives onto a specific board. They are held to the same standards and expectations as elected SG members.
Board of Events
The Board of Events is responsible for planning events and helping other members of SG run their own events, whether those be school-wide or class-specific. The event-planning process includes brainstorming ideas, setting a time and date, as well making sure that there are people to run an event and prepare the content. Members of the Board of Events also attend many of those events to make sure that they run smoothly.
The Board Chair of Events is Grace Gonzalez (‘19). The new board members are Lorelei Wright, Tol Wassman, Kaitlyn Bullington, Gurmehar Singh, Kaitlyn Zhang, Margaux Loya and Muhammad Muazzam Salman.
Board of Communications and Outreach
Publicizing programs and events as well as managing Student Government’s online presence are the two main jobs of the Board of Communications and Outreach. Managing SG’s online presence includes writing announcements for the Pixel Weekly and TGIF as well as designing posts for the Pixel’s Instagram.
The Board Chair of Communications and Outreach is Nicole Wu (‘20). The new board members are Charlie DePue, Nikolai Ortiz and Xenya Currie.
Board of Student Academic Support and Services (SASS)
The SASSiest board of them all, the Board of Student Academic Support and Services (SASS) does as its name suggests, creating academic resources for students, such as peer tutor interviews, study tips, and more. This board has also created many class study groups for OHSers to meet new people on Skype and work together on homework and studying for exams.
The SASS Board Chair is Katherine Davis (‘20) The new board members are Paige Yeung, Sophia Romagnoli, Marc Soong and Zazie Huml.
Board of Arts
From music and dance to photography, painting and drawing, the Board of Arts focuses on fostering the arts at the OHS. The board helps to connect artists in the OHS community, creating artistic resources and opportunities for OHSers to share their art.
The Board Chair of Arts is Ingrid Altunin (‘20). The new board members are Tova Kleiner, Gloria Kroodsma, Jeanne Choi and Alexander Miller.
Board of Club Relations
The Board of Club Relations works with all clubs and circles throughout the OHS. Helping them run smoothly, coordinating collaborations between clubs, and managing the club calendar are among the main jobs of this board. So far this year, the BCR has worked hard to plan and prepare club presentations for school-wide events like the Halloween Assembly.
The Board Chair of Club Relations is Grace Josephson (‘21). The new board members are Kee Olandesca, Anna Riordan, Katherine Chin and William Liu.
Student Government is excited to welcome these new board members and begin working with them to bring the student body more ways to connect than ever.
Kee Olandesca (‘21), a sophomore on the Board of Club Relations says, “I’m thrilled to be part of SG as a board member and I can’t wait to share ideas, enthusiasm, and energy to help make this school year a blast! Goooooo pixels! WHOOP WHOOP!”
She’s not alone in her excitement. SASS Board Chair, Katherine Davis (‘20), says “I am excited to have new board members helping out in student government! Running a board can be a lot of work and it’s always nice to have helping hands eager to better the school!”
With so many new board members ready to help, there are now over 40 members in Student Government. These members will be working hard to bring the student body resources that are both social and academic — events from class movie nights to school-wide assemblies — and more.
Besides welcoming new board members, Student Government also geared up and produced the biggest SG event of the semester: Fall Spirit Week! From November 12 through November 16, spirit week was a blast.
With superlative submissions, eKudos, and Spirit Week dress-up themes for each day as well as homecoming court elections, Student Government worked hard behind the scenes to bring the OHS Community a pixel-tastic week of class spirit and fun.
This Fall Spirit Week, OHSers hunted down missing telescopes in class slides, wore funky sweaters, pajamas and their class colors, and submitted over 700 eKudos for their classmates, friends and teachers.
At the end of the week, the Spirit Week Assembly took place on Friday, November 16th to cap off Fall Spirit Week. Superlatives from which OHS student is most likely to be President of the United States to which teacher is most likely to be the star of their own reality TV show were revealed. The homecoming court was also revealed with Calder Hansen (‘19) and Grace Gonzalez (‘19) elected as Homecoming King and Queen respectively.
And, last but definitely not least, the winners of Spirit Week were revealed! The seniors, class of 2019, came in first with the juniors and freshmen in distant second and third places.
As the semester comes to a close, Student Government will continue to work hard and support the student body as well as possible through the finals season looming ahead.